Художественная литература в Виннице

2.000000 1
5.00 5800.00 8 sellers UAH
Prorok - Henryk Chmielewski
Na podstawie wieloletnich studiów nad Starym Testamentem, historią Egiptu oraz wyników badań archeologicznych i lingwistycznych Henryk Chmielewski ...
70 грн./шт.В наличии
The Case of Lucy Bending by Lawrence Sanders
Counseling a disturbed eight-year-old who displays all the symptoms of child abuse, psychiatrist Theodore Levin suspects that the child's parents ...
75 грн./шт.В наличии
Абу-ль-Аля аль-Маарри. Избранное
В сборник входят стихи, уже известные читателю по переводам Арсения Тарковского, а также специально подготовленные для этого издания новые переводы.
120 грн./шт.В наличии
Flying Finish by Dick Francis
Much to his snobbish family's horror, Henry Grey takes on the dirty and demanding job of transporting racehorses by air. ...
50 грн./шт.В наличии
Člověk u klíčové dírky - Zdeněk M. Veselý
Tragický příběh čs. emigranta, který ve Frankfurtu nad Mohanem přijal místo fotografa u nevinně vyhlížející firmy, jež se ve skutečnosti zabývala ...
50 грн./шт.В наличии
W aneb Vzpomínka z dětství - Georges Perec
Satirický, společensky angažovaný román se rozvíjí v pásmu reálném a fantastickém. Líčí příběh muže, který si ze vzpomínek utváří obraz dětství ...
50 грн./шт.В наличии
Cons by Timothy Watts
Ex-con Frank Cullen is trying to straighten up his act after serving time in a Florida prison, but his boss's wife and her younger sister...
100 грн./шт.В наличии
Glücks-Pfennige : Georg Hensel
Mit Humor, Witz und in glänzendem Stil eröffnet Georg Hensel mit diesem Buch Einblicke in die Dichtung und Einsichten in den Alltag:
70 грн./шт.В наличии
Kika Superbruja Y Los Piratas - Knister
En esta aventura, Kika Superbruja se traslada por arte de magia a un viejo barco pirata. Allí tendrá que enfrentarse con el temible capitán Carrillo
165 грн./шт.В наличии
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain
A nineteenth-century boy from a Mississippi River town recounts his adventures as he travels down the river with a runaway slave, encountering
80 грн./шт.В наличии
The Hand of Lazarus by Warren Murphy, Molly Cochran
Re-emerging in Ardath, a quiet Irish village, an I.R.A.-linked assassin, previously thought dead, targets the small town for an unprecedented act
90 грн./шт.В наличии
Jewels by Robert Perrin
Vividly recreates the unsolved theft of the Irish Crown Jewels in 1907, a crime which threatened to embroil the royal household in a homosexual ...
70 грн./шт.В наличии
Mamista by Len Deighton
As a group of Marxist revolutionaries in Spanish Guiana prepare to unseat their country's leader, a group of high-powered men in Washington prepare ..
100 грн./шт.В наличии
The Dawn of Hope: A Memoir of Ravensbrück Geneviève de Gaulle-Anthonioz
A holocaust survivor and tireless advocate for the world's poor shares her personal journey from the Ravensbru+a5ck concentration camp ..
100 грн./шт.В наличии
Bright Star by Harold Coyle
In the not-too-distant future, an assassination attempt by Libyan terrorists sparks an Egyptian retaliatory raid across the borders. ...
80 грн./шт.В наличии
Tygers of Wrath by Philip Rosenberg
The bizarre deaths of two teenagers in a New York City junior high school become the detonator of an urban time bomb whose shock waves reverberate ...
55 грн./шт.В наличии
Mikelanđelova beležnica - Pol Kristofer
Za vreme studija istorije umetnosti na univerzitetu u Njujorku, lepa i pametna Fin Rajan dolazi do zapanjujućeg otkrića - Mikelanđelovog crteža ...
100 грн./шт.В наличии
Ultra by Tim Sebastian
In the closing hours of the Gulf Waf, an American Special Forces team murders a group of Allied soldiers in the middle of the Iraqi desert. ...
50 грн./шт.В наличии
The Complete Nonsense of Edward Lear
The Owl and the Pussy-Cat, Calico Pie and The Pobble Who Has No Toes, together with Edward Lear's crazy limericks, have entertained adults and ...
100 грн./шт.В наличии
England's Lane by Joseph Connolly
100 грн./шт.В наличии
Lethal Seduction by Jackie Collins
Madison Castelli, the beautiful, street-smart heroine of Jackie Collins' L.A. Connections series, returns in Lethal Seduction, an edgy novel ...
100 грн./шт.В наличии

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