Книги, общее в Виннице

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5.00 8500.00 8 sellers UAH
Le petit Trump illustré par l'exemple - Kevin Picciau
Populiste, sexiste, xénophobe et vulgaire, le milliardaire Donald Trump est parvenu à s'imposer comme candidat inévitable à l'élection prési...
100 грн./шт.В наличии
Lessons From Lucy: The Simple Joys of an Old, Happy Dog by Dave Barry
In this “little gem” ( Washington Independent Review of Books), Pulitzer Prize–winning columnist and New York Times bestselling author Dave Barry ...
80 грн./шт.В наличии
Sisters in the Wilderness: The Lives of Susanna Moodie and Catharine Parr Traill by Charlotte Gray
In the inhospitable and hardscrabble bush of Canada, facing a pioneering existence that they never even knew existed, the well-educated, but ...
85 грн./шт.В наличии
Pacific Destiny by Robert S. Elegant
A portrait of the major countries of Asia, the continent that has economically overtaken Europe. It explains why and how Asia has become the future...
100 грн./шт.В наличии
The New Decorating Book (Better Homes and Gardens)
Guides readers through the process of putting it all together, whether decorating an entire home, redoing a room, or looking for a solution ...
350 грн./шт.В наличии
Hiding in the Light: Why I Risked Everything to Leave Islam and Follow Jesus by Rifqa Bary
Leaving Islam for Christianity cost her more than she imagined, but gave more than she could have dreamed.
100 грн./шт.В наличии
Revival Preachers and Politics in Thirteenth Century Italy: The Great Devotion of 1233 by Augustine Thompson
Recent studies of medieval preaching have tended to focus on sermon texts. This is the first scholarly study in English of preaching and its social ..
180 грн./шт.В наличии
In Peril on the Sea by Robert W. Bell, D. Bruce Lockerbie
In Peril on the Sea: The Story of Ethel Bell and Her Children Mary and Robert
55 грн./шт.В наличии
Хочу все знати. Дослідження космосу. Стюарт Кларк
Чому Земля рухається по орбіті навколо Сонця? Як працюють ракети? Як астронавти дихають у космічному просторі? Що розміщено всередині обсерваторії?
165 грн./шт.В наличии
Chic et jolie à petits prix de Charlotte Roudaut
Objectif : débrouille et chasse aux bons plans ! Côté vêtements ou lingerie, stocks de créateurs ou multimarques, ventes privées, braderies secrètes
70 грн./шт.В наличии
Things as They are: Mission Work in Southern India - Amy Carmichael
​Amy Carmichael was a prolific writer and Christian missionary. She is notable for having spent over 55 years serving the people of India without ..
100 грн./шт.В наличии
Die Entscheidung liegt bei dir!: Wege aus der alltäglichen Unzufriedenheit by Reinhard K. Sprenger
Nur zu schnell richten wir uns ein in der alltäglichen Unzufriedenheit und fühlen uns als ohnmächtiges Opfer der Sachzwänge. Aber ein gelungenes ..
150 грн./шт.В наличии
Das große Buch vom Fasten von Ruediger Dahlke
Fasten ist eine natürliche Präventivmedizin. Es kann aber auch helfen, Symptome wie Rheuma, Gicht, Diabetes, Haut- und Darmerkrankungen zu lindern ..
100 грн./шт.В наличии
The Lost World of the Kalahari by Laurens van der Post
The distinguished explorer and writer recounts his rediscovery of the Bushmen, outcast survivors from Stone Age Africa. Faced with constant attack ...
90 грн./шт.В наличии
'ai choisi de lui rester fidèle: Un homme divorcé témoigne de Thierry Maucour
Thierry Maucour, père de quatre enfants, aujourd’hui grand-père, a subi de plein fouet la tempête de la séparation et du divorce après vingt ...
135 грн./шт.В наличии
Bonjour paresse de Corinne Maier
Bonjour paresse : De l'art et la nécessité d'en faire le moins possible en entreprise
80 грн./шт.В наличии
Мистецтво мріяти. Як отримати те, чого насправді бажаєш - Барбара Шер, Енні Готтліб
«Мета цієї книги — зробити вас переможцем» — так уперше звернулася до читачів 1978 року колишня офіціантка та 44-річна самотня мати
120 грн./шт.В наличии
Damdan Düşen Psikolog -Doğan Cüceloğlu
Afrika kabilelerinden birinde bir bebek doğduğunda kabilenin kadınları hep birlikte ormana çekilir, o bebeğe bir şarkı yaparlarmış. Dikkatle ...
130 грн./шт.В наличии
Service compris - Bloch, Philippe
Déjà vendu à plus de 400 000 exemplaires, " Service compris " sert de référence permanente aux étudiants, aux dirigeants d'entreprise et à tous ...
85 грн./шт.В наличии
Measuring Up: What Educational Testing Really Tells Us by Daniel Koretz
How do you judge the quality of a school, a district, a teacher, a student? By the test scores, of course. Yet for all the talk, what educational ...
160 грн./шт.В наличии
The Soul of the Firm - C. William Pollard
The Soul of a Firm is about people and values. It demonstrates the difference they can make in the ultimate success of any organization, not simply
100 грн./шт.В наличии
Hayatin Içindeki Iktisat: Iktisadi Davranislara Farkli Bir Bakis - Ü. Baris Urhan N. Emrah Aydinonat
Birçok kisinin korkulu rüyasi haline gelen kredi karti borçlariyla nasil bas edilebilir? Hiç kullanilmayan dakikalara ve mesajlara yüklüce ...
100 грн./шт.В наличии
A Peculiar Calling: Confessions of a College Fund Raiser by Mark Drozdowski
For seven years, Mark J. Drozdowski has shared his insight, wit, wisdom and humor as "The Fund Raiser," a monthly column ...
100 грн./шт.В наличии
The Handoff: A Memoir of Two Guys, Sports, and Friendship by John Tournour, Alan Eisenstock
John Tournour, known to his many listeners and fans as JT the Brick, is one of the biggest sports radio personalities in America. ....
80 грн./шт.В наличии
Chasing the Monsoon by Alexander Frater
The fascinating and revealing story of Frater's journey through India in pursuit of the astonishing Indian summer monsoon. On 20th May the Indian ...
80 грн./шт.В наличии
Playing the Moldovans at Tennis by Tony Hawks
It doesn't take much - "£100 is usually sufficient" - to persuade Tony Hawks to take off on notoriously bizarre and hilarious adventures in response..
70 грн./шт.В наличии
Round Ireland with a Fridge by Tony Hawks
Have you ever made a drunken bet? Worse still, have you ever tried to win one? In attempting to hitchhike round Ireland with a fridge, Tony Hawks ...
70 грн./шт.В наличии
Bakou, derniers jours - Olivier Rolin
En 2003, de retour d'Afghanistan, j'avais dû m'arrêter à Bakou Azerbaïdjan. Je logeai dans un hôtel portant le non, Apchéron, de la péninsule ...
85 грн./шт.В наличии
Cruciverbalism by Stanley Newman
For the millions of people who do crosswords, the person behind the puzzle is always something of a mystery. What puzzler wouldn't want to know ...
50 грн./шт.В наличии

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